Elderberries Cohousing Group
A Senior Cohousing Scheme for the South West
A cohousing project for eco-conscious elders who want to 'age in place' together, with mutual support, and to live lightly and sustainably on the Earth to the end of their days.
Why cohousing?
Cohousing is the deliberate, intentional way of creating a physical community composed of private dwellings, communal space and shared resources. It is the ideal pattern for sustainable living.
It is something that is created from the bottom up rather than from the top down. Rather than a developer building a complex of dwellings and looking for buyers, a cohousing project is created by a group of people with similar values and lifestyles working together to design where and how they want to live.
Why 'senior' cohousing?
There are quite a few established cohousing communities in the UK. But almost all of them consist of families and people of mixed ages. Cohousing that is designed specifically for the over-fifty age group is already well-established and thriving in Denmark and there is now a huge interest in it in the USA but in England this idea is only just coming over the horizon.
The benefits of cohousing for elders are enormous, since a group of compatible elders designing a cohousing project can tailor it to suit their particular needs. They remain in control of changes and additions to the scheme, and jointly manage the finances.
There are also benefits for society. Older people mutually supporting each other reduce the costs of care for family and society. By moving into smaller, energy efficient homes they often release larger family homes back to the market.
A small development of up to 12 units plus a common house and growing land and garden area. Here an intentional community of people 55 years or older will support each other as we age. We aim to live sustainably, based within a settlement with reasonable facilities and transport links.
We'd love to hear from individuals or couples interested in joining us. We are looking for a site in the south west of England, and will either build new units or adapt and extend a former holiday letting property or similar. Our units will be built to high standards of energy efficiency, and accessible - anticipating current or future mobility issues!